Redwood Reunion 2019



Reunion Photos

This year the reunion held at on October 26, 2019 at Sheffield's Warehouse at 1609 Levee Street. We are happy to acknowledge the generous support from Johnny Sheffield family and the Heggins family. Johnny Sheffied, longtime supporter of the reunion died this year. Our sympathies and thanks go out to his family.

Here we have photos from Redwood School Reunions contributed by Donald and Bettye Oakes. I will happily add items to the page. My email is





Redwood Alumni Group Photo

Culkin Alumni Group Photo

Kathy Boggan Friar and Brooks Boggan, Jett, WWII Vet

James Wyatt, ?, Ted Porter

Alice Wallis, John Grove (Jett), Ann Grove

Minni Bourgoyne

Joe Crisst, Mrman Thompson, , Peggy Crist

Stephen Bounds, Richard Bounds, Ruby W. Bounds, Moly McCluskey

Sonny King and Charles Hinton

Ruby Wray Bound, Molly and James McCluskey

James and Molly McCluskey

Diane and Mike Tanner

Pat and Odie Hartley

Beth and Paul Fields

Ted Porter, Floye and Betty Oakes

Bernnie Shiers and family

James Wyatt

James Wyatt and Joan Redditt Campbell

Sid Leist, Ronnie Crosby, Buddy Terrell

Buddy Terrell (Culkin)

Sid Leist (Culkin)

Johnny Griffin, Ted Porter, Floyd Oakes

Floyd and Betty Terrell Oake

Max Triplett

Johnny Griffin and Bettye Barnette Oakes

Joe and Judy Wooley

Johnny Griffin

Vivian Burroughs Middleton and Johnny Griffin

Vivian Burroughs Middleton

James Coley and Ted Porter

Thomas Wooley

Sonny Keen

james Coley

Eddie Shiers

Alfred and Carolyn Hearn

Minnie and Claudius Bourgoyne

Ted and Sally Cooper Porter

Gloria Crapps Gunn and Baynon Jones

Doug Jernigan

Martha and Bobby Jernigan

Cecille and Charles Hintson

Ella Sue Porter Embry

Peggy and Joe Crist

Stephen Bounds

Joe Crist

Richard and Ruby Wray Bounds

Chris Curry and Anthony Anderson, Security Guards

? Sheffield Billy and Pauline Sheffied's daughter.

Carroll Warnock (Culkin)

Annie Warnock (Culkin)


Bettye Barnette Oakes (Jett0